
Thomas M. Brady Post 45, Inc.




1130 Bluffs Parkway, Suite G49 Canton, GA 30114 770-721-7803  http://extension.uga.edu/county-offices/cherokee.html

Ashley Witcher

County Extension Coordinator & 4-H/Youth Agent  Josh Fuder County Extension Agent Agriculture & Natural Resources

Judy Haygood County Extension Secretary





Exhibitors are requested not to bring their automobiles into the midway area except to unload exhibit articles. Flowers being exhibited may be watered   during regular fair operating hours.

General Rules

  1. The Cherokee County Fair will open it’s gates to the public at 5pm onTuesday, September 18th. All entries must be brought to the fairgrounds on Sunday or Monday to be registered. Hours of registration are from 2-5pm onSunday and 9-noon and 2-5pm on Monday. Judging will begin at 10am Tuesday. No entries will be accepted for registration on Tuesday. Registration forms can be obtained athttp://ugaextension.org/county-offices/



  2. All entries must be left in place until Monday following the close of the fair. This rule is made in order to avoid confusion and so that the people who areunable to attend before the last day may see the exhibits. Entries may be picked up on Monday September 24th between 9-noon and 2-4pm. Must have the ticket stub to pick up entries.


  3. Awards will be made by comparison. If any category has only one entry, the judges may determine the award to be made. Competent judges will be employed for all departments and their decisions will be final. The judges or the American Legion are authorized to withhold any premium on any booth exhibit.


  4. Awards will be designated by ribbons, but premiums will be paid according to the record in the judges books, as often ribbons are misplaced or changed by someone who has no authority. Premiums will be paid by mail before October 1.


  5. No premium will be paid on articles not listed in this publication or removed prior to the designated time. Participant must decide on category. Age divisions are strictly enforced.


  6. While all precautions will be taken to safe guard the exhibits, it must beunderstood that the exhibits are entered into competition for prizes. The owners assume all responsibility for any accident, loss or damage that might occur. Neither the American Legion, it’s officers nor agents, will be responsible for any suchaccidents, losses or damages.


  7. If by reason of fire, flood, unusually unfavorable weather, or bad financialconditions, the officials of the American Legion should find it necessary to call off the fair, it is understood and agreed by all exhibitors that the obligation to pay any premiums offered in this listing

    will be canceled.


  8. Any mistake in premiums must be reported within 10 days after a premium is paid in order for a correction to be made.


  9. If a tie is declared, the premium will be equally divided. All checks for prizes must be cashed within 30 days to complete the records and audit of the fair books.