
Thomas M. Brady Post 45, Inc.



Carnival Ride Arm Bands $25 $5 coupons will be available locally

$20 Wednesday only

Coupons cannot be used with Wednesday special


Individual Tickets are Available

Schedule of Activities

Sunday, Sept. 16th Registration of fair entries and work on  educational exhibit booths 2-5 pm

    Monday, Sept. 17th Registration of fair entries and work on

    Educational exhibit booths 9-noon and 2-5 pm

    Tuesday, Sept. 18th morning—Judging of fair entries 10am 

     Gates open at 5pm with exhibit barns open and Arm Bands $25

             Wednesday, Sept. 19th—Gates open at 3pm. Arm Bands $20

             Thursday, Sept. 20th—Gates open at 5pm. Arm Bands $25

             Friday, Sept. 21st—Gates open at 5pm. Arm Bands $25

             Saturday, Sept 22nd—Gates open at 3pm. Arm Bands $25

             Sunday, Sept. 23rd– Gates open at 3pm. Arm Bands $25    

        Miss Cherokee Fair Pageant at 1pm on stage. See insert.

             Categories from infant to teens. 

            Monday, Sept. 24th—Pick up all entries between the hours of   9-noon  and 2-4pm. Be sure to bring your ticket stubs. 

              ADULT COOKING              (Age 20 & Over)

Cake mix must not be used. Half cake or pie in an  exhibit displayed in a plastic bag. No perishable baked products allowed. Entries will not be refrigerated. Food to be exhibited must be on a paper plate covered with plastic wrap or Ziploc bag. Lot number, entry, name and address must be attached.